Slave Radio Schedule

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Happy Halloween!

The Hardcore Troubadour Show will follow immediately after at approx 9pm Eastern / 1am UK

Daylight Saving Time

Once again it's that time of year when everyone fiddles with their time pieces and spends about 3 hours running around the house changing their clocks... have you ever considered how many clcoks we have to check? Personally, my computers, TV and DVD machine all do it automatically, but I have 3 mobile phones, 2 landline phones, alarm clock, kitchen clock... how many of you get in your car in the morning to find it's the one you forgot to change?

Anyway... as always happens, we in the UK have switched to daylight saving before you folks in the states so it throws into confusion the sdhow times on Slave Radio.. so here for your benefit is a revised listing for the rest of this week:

All shows will start at their normal time according to the DJ's local timezone. Times in Red indicate a different time when listeners in that region will be required to tune in!

Tuesday 28th:        The Softcore Whore Show: 6pm Eastern / 10pm UK time
followed by:            The Bear Cave 9pm Eastern / 1am UK time

Wednesday 29th:  The Hairy Trev Rock Show 6pm Eastern / 10pm UK time
followed by:            Monkey Magic 9pm Eastern / 1am UK time

Thursday 30th:       Bits and Pieces 5pm Eastern / 9pm UK time

Friday 31st:           The Scary Trev Rock Show 6pm Eastern / 10pm UK time
followed by:           The Hardcore Troubadour Show 9pm Eastern / 1am UK time
followed by:           The Lynn and Phil Show 11:30pm Eastern / 3:30am UK time

Catching Up....

Hi Folks!

As many of you will known, I took a little break away from Slave Radio during September but am now back with a vengeance and rocking you all out on a Wednesday night, as hard and strong as ever...

But in my absence, I confess that I have neglected the blog so I am taking this opportunity to bring you up to date with things...

In the past month or so, we've had several new shows and DJ's joining us so first of all, a hearty warm welcome to Papabear and the girl with pigtails who have settled in nicely on a Tuesday night. You can catch their show immediately after the softcore whore show at 9pm Eastern Time.

Another new addition to the team is Monkey Man who brings a fresh look to Wednesday nights, immediately following my Hairy Trev Rock Show. (8pm Eastern Time).

Paradise and Mel have now moved their "Bits and Pieces show to the vacant slot on Thursday evenings so you you'll be able to catch up with their topics at 4pm Eastern time. This move has created a suitable position for Rebel Roots (I think I've got the name right...) to bring the flavour of the Carribean to Slave Radio.

A warm welcome to all our new members, and wishing you many happy hours of Broadcasting!

(Please can new DJ's get in touch with me so I can post some info about yourselves and your shows on the blog!)